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发布日期:2022-03-07    点击:


崔志华,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究领域为大数据建模与优化、云计算、网络安全、区块链。威廉希尔中文网站平台william威廉亚洲官方院长 ,大数据分析与并行计算山西省重点实验室主任 ,自动化学会推荐A类期刊《International Journal of Bio-inspired Computation》主编,兼任中国仿真学会智能仿真优化与调度专委会副主任委员,作为特邀编辑主持出版了十二个SCI特刊,担任三十余个国际学术会议的程序委员会主席及程序委员会委员,并在十余个国内外学术会议作大会报告。入选全球高被引科学家(2021-2023) 、中国高被引学者(2021-2023)、山西省高等学校131领军人才、山西省高等学校优秀青年学术带头人。






·1995.9-1999.7 山西大学应用数学专业,获理学学士学位

·2000.8-2003.3 威廉希尔中文网站平台机械电子工程专业,获工学硕士学位

·2005.3-2008.5 西安交通大学控制科学与工程专业,获工学博士学位;




·2009.7-2012.11 中国科学院计算技术研究所,博士后研究;

·2012.12-2013.5 University of the West of England,访问学者;

·2008.82013.10 威廉希尔中文网站平台william威廉亚洲官方,副教授;




1. 2020202120222023年度中国高被引学者(Elsevier);

2. 2020202120222023年度全球高被引科学家(科睿唯安)

3. 2020年度威廉希尔中文网站平台先进科技工作者;

4. 2019年山西省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师;

5. 2019年中国仿真学会创新技术奖一等奖(数据驱动的智能仿真优化与调度技术及应用);

6. 2018年山西省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师;

7. 2016年山西省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师;

8. 威廉希尔中文网站平台20162017201820192020年优秀硕士学位论文指导教师;

9. 2013年入选山西省高等学校131领军人才工程;

10. 威廉希尔中文网站平台2012届优秀硕士学位论文指导教师;

11. 威廉希尔中文网站平台2012年研究生思想政治教育先进导师;

12. 2011年度山西省高等学校优秀青年学术带头人;

13. 2011年度威廉希尔中文网站平台“科尼”奖教金;

14. 2010年山西省自然科学二等奖(广义微粒群算法研究);

15. 2005年山西省自然科学奖三等奖(非线性遗传算法研究);

16. 2004年度威廉希尔中文网站平台先进科技工作者;



· 本科生:离散数学;

· 硕士生:现代优化方法;


博士研究生:控制科学与工程一级学科 研究方向:复杂系统建模、仿真与控制

硕士研究生:计算机科学与技术一级学科 研究方向:计算智能



2.中国计算机学会CCF YOCSEF太原分论坛2014-2015年度副主席;




6.国际期刊《International Journal of Bio-inspired Computation》主编(SCI收录,自动化学会推荐A类期刊);

7.国际期刊 Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience副主编(CCF C);

8.国际期刊International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics编委(SCI收录);

9.国际期刊KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems编委(SCI收录);

10.国际期刊Informatica编委 EI收录);

11.国际期刊Neural Computing & Applications特邀编辑(Zhihua Cui, Xiao-Zhi Gao and Suash Deb):Theory and Applications of Soft Computing Methods201931(7) , Springer. (SCI收录)

12.国际期刊International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics特邀编辑(Zhihua Cui, Xiao-Zhi Gao):Evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO): theory and applications201910(8), Springer. (SCI收录)

13.国际期刊Memetic Computing特邀编辑(Amir Hossein Alavi,Zhihua Cui, Amir Hossein Gandomi, Xiao-Zhi Gao, Gai-Ge Wang and Meng-Hiot Lim):Recent Advances in the Swarm Intelligence Algorithms2018, 10(2), Springer. (SCI收录)

14.国际期刊Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing特邀编辑(Zhihua Cuiand Renbin Xiao):Bio-inspired Computation: Theory and Applications, 2014, 22(3), Old City Publishing. (SCI收录)

15.国际期刊Fundamenta Informaticae特邀编辑(Zhihua Cui, Sankar K. Pal, James F. Peters and Sheela Ramanna):Cognitive Informatics and Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications2013124(1-2), IOS Press. (SCI收录)

16.国际期刊Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control特邀编辑(Zhihua Cui, Zhongzhi Shi and Janos Abonyi):New trends on bio-inspired computation, 2012, 34(6), SAGE. (SCI收录)

17.国际期刊International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Tools特邀编辑(Zhihua Cui, Zhongzhi Shi and Rajan Alex: Recent Advances on Swarm Intelligence: Theory and Applications, 2012, 21(3), World Scientific. (SCI收录)

18.国际期刊Neural Computing & Applications特邀编辑(Zhihua Cuiand Xiaozhi Gao):Theory and Applications of Swarm Intelligence, 2012, 21(2), Springer. (SCI收录)

19.国际期刊Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience特邀编辑(Zhihua Cuiand Yingxu Wang):A New Frontier of Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing, 2012, 9(2), American Scientific Publishers. (SCI收录)

20 国际期刊Journal of Multiple-valued Logic and Soft Computing特邀编辑(Zhihua Cuiand Sanyou Zeng):New Trends on Swarm Intelligent Systems, 2010,16(6), Old City Publishing. (SCI收录)

21.国际期刊Fundamenta Informaticae特邀编辑(Ajith Abraham,Zhihua Cuiand James F.Peter):Swarm intelligence: Foundations and Applications2009, 95(4), IOS Press.(SCI收录)


1.第五届智能优化与调度学术会议大会主席,August 12-14,2022,太原,中国。

2.国际会议16th International Conference on Bio-inspired Computing: Theories and ApplicationsBIC-TA2021)主席,December 17-19 2021Taiyuan, China.

32020年第三届智能优化与调度国际会议程序委员会主席, 10.23-10.25,南宁, 2020.

4.国际会议14th International Conference on Bio-inspired Computing: Theories and ApplicationsBIC-TA2019)出版委员会主席,November 22 – 25, 2019, Zhengzhou, China.

5.国际会议2017 5th International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence (ISCBI2017)国际指导委员会委员,August 11-14, Dubai, UAE, 2017.

6.国际会议2017 4th Intl. Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI 2017))国际程序委员会委员,Republic of Mauritius, November 22-24, 2017.

7.国际会议2015 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI 2015)程序委员会主席,November 23-24, Hong Kong2015.

8.国际会议2014 2nd International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence (ISCBI-II 2014)国际程序委员会委员,December 7-8, New Delhi, India,2014.

9.国际会议8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial ManagementCIO2014)科学委员会委员,July 23-25, Malaga, Spain, 2014.

10.国际会议2014 Intl. Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI2014)国际程序委员会委员,September 26-27, New Delhi, India, 2014.

11.国际会议The 6th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS2014)国际程序委员会委员, April 7-9, Bangkok, Thailand, 2014.

12.国际会议The 4th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS'14)程序委员会委员, June 2-4, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2014.

13.国际会议8th International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing (IIP2014)程序委员会委员,October 3-6, Hangzhou, China, 2014.

14.国际会议4th Joint International Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary and Memetic Computing (SEMCCO2013) & Fuzzy and Neural Computing (FANCCO2013)程序委员会主席,December 19-21, SRM University, India, 2013.

15.国际会议The 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and Applications, IBICA2011)程序委员会主席, December 16-18, Shenzhen, China, 2011.

16.国际会议Joint International Conference on Swarm Evolutionary and Memetic Computing (SEMCCO2011) and Fuzzy and Neural Computing Conference (FANCCO2011)专题委员会主席, December 19-21, India, 2011.

17.国际会议International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASoN2010)组织委员会主席, September 26-28, 2010, Taiyuan, China.




3.Multi-objective Modeling for DV-Hop11th of International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications,广州,2019.11.16(大会报告);






9.从审稿人到编辑,“A Journey to Creative Research2017年研讨会,深圳大学大数据技术与应用研究所,深圳,2017.7.7

10.社会情感优化算法研究,山西省计算机学会2011年年会,长治,2011.10.28 (大会报告)


[1] 基于深度学习的恶意代码检测技术研究(编号:201903D421048),山西省重点研发计划项目(国际科技合作),2019.12-2021.12,按计划进行;



[4] 基于向光性及顶端优势的人工植物算法及其应用(编号:61003053),国家自然科学基金青年项目,2011.1-2013.1219.0万,已结题;


[6] 山西省高等学校优秀青年学术带头人支持计划,2011.1-2013.1210.0万,已结题;



[9] 非线性遗传算法的广义抽象模型的研究与实现(编号:20041017),山西省青年科学基金,2004.5-2005.123.0万,已结题。


[1]Cui, Zhihua; Xue, Zhaoyu; Fan, Tian; Cai, Xingjuan; Zhang, Wensheng."A many-objective evolutionary algorithm based on constraints for collaborative computation offloading". Swarm And Evolutionary Computation,2023,77:101244.SCI 一区)

[2]Cai, Xingjuan; Lan, Yang; Zhang, Zhixia; Wen, Jie; Cui, Zhihua; Zhang, Wensheng."A Many-Objective Optimization Based Federal Deep Generation Model for Enhancing Data Processing Capability in IoT". IEEE Transactions On Industrial Informatics,2023,19(1):561-569.SCI 一区)

[3]Cui, Zhihua; Wen, Jie; Lan, Yang; Zhang, Zhixia; Cai, Jianghui."Communication-efficient federated recommendation model based on many-objective evolutionary algorithm". Expert Systems With Applications,2022,201:116963.SCI 一区)

[4]Cai, Xingjuan; Xie, Lijie; Tian, Rui; Cui, Zhihua."Explicable recommendation based on knowledge graph". Expert Systems With Applications,2022,200:117035.SCI 一区)

[5]Zhao, Lihong; Ren, Yeqing; Zeng, Youqian; Cui, Zhihua; Zhang, Wensheng."A knee point-driven many-objective pigeon-inspired optimization algorithm". Complex & Intelligent Systems,2022,8(5):4277-4299.SCI 二区)

[6]Ye, Tingyu; Wang, Wenjun; Wang, Hui; Cui, Zhihua; Wang, Yun; Zhao, Jia; Hu, Min."Artificial bee colony algorithm with efficient search strategy based on random neighborhood structure". Knowledge-Based Systems,2022,241:108306.SCI 一区)

[7]Zeng, Tao; Wang, Wenjun; Wang, Hui; Cui, Zhihua; Wang, Feng; Wang, Yun; Zhao, Jia."Artificial bee colony based on adaptive search strategy and random grouping mechanism". Expert Systems With Applications,2022,192:116332.SCI 一区)

[8]Zhang, Zhixia; Zhao, Mengkai; Wang, Hui; Cui, Zhihua; Zhang, Wensheng."An efficient interval many-objective evolutionary algorithm for cloud task scheduling problem under uncertainty". Information Sciences,2022,583:56-72.SCI 一区)

[9]Cai, Xingjuan; Geng, Shaojin; Zhang, Jingbo; Wu, Di; Cui, Zhihua; Zhang, Wensheng; Chen, Jinjun."A Sharding Scheme-Based Many-Objective Optimization Algorithm for Enhancing Security in Blockchain-Enabled Industrial Internet of Things". IEEE Transactions On Industrial Informatics,2021,17(11):7650-7658.SCI 一区)

[10]Cai, Xingjuan; Cao, Yihao; Ren, Yeqing; Cui, Zhihua; Zhang, Wensheng."Multi-objective evolutionary 3D face reconstruction based on improved encoder-decoder network". Information Sciences,2021,581:233-248.SCI 一区)

[11]Cui, Zhihua; Zhao, Peng; Hu, Zhaoming; Cai, Xingjuan; Zhang, Wensheng; Chen, Jinjun."An improved matrix factorization based model for many-objective optimization recommendation". Information Sciences,2021,579:1-14.SCI 一区)

[12]Cui, Zhihua; Zhao, Yaru; Cao, Yang; Cai, Xingjuan; Zhang, Wensheng; Chen, Jinjun."Malicious Code Detection under 5G HetNets Based on a Multi-Objective RBM Model". IEEE Network,2021,35(2):82-87.SCI 二区)

[13]Zhihua Cui, Zhixia Zhang, Zhaoming Hu, Shaojin Geng, Jinjun Chen. A Many-objective Optimization based Intelligent High performance Data Processing Model for Cyber-Physical-Social Systems. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. 2021,9(6):3825-3834. (SCI二区)

[14]Zhihua Cui, Xuechun Jing, Peng Zhao, Wensheng Zhang, Jinjun Chen, A New Subspace Clustering Strategy for AI-Based Data Analysis in IoT System. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021,8(16):12540-12549. (SCI一区)

[15]Xingjuan Cai, Shaojin Geng, Jingbo Zhang, Di Wu,Zhihua Cui, Wensheng Zhang and Jinjun Chen, A Sharding Scheme based Many-objective Optimization Algorithm for Enhancing Security in Blockchain-enabled Industrial Internet of Things, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020,17(11):7650-7658. (SCI一区)

[16]Zhixia Zhang, Yang Cao,Zhihua Cui, Wensheng Zhang, and Jinjun Chen, A Many-objective Optimization based Intelligent Intrusion Detection Algorithm for Enhancing Security of Vehicular Networks in 6G. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021,70(6):5234-5243. (SCI二区)

[17]Zhihua Cui, Yaru Zhao, Yang Cao, Xingjuan Cai, WenSheng Zhang, Jinjun Chen, Malicious code detection under 5G HetNets based on multi-objective RBM model, IEEE Network, 2020,35(2):82-87. (SCI一区)

[18]Zhihua Cui, Maoqing Zhang*, Hui Wang, Xingjuan Cai, WenshengZhang, Jinjun Chen, Hybrid Many-Objective Cuckoo Search Algorithm with Lévy and Exponential Distributions, Memetic Computing, 2020,12(3):251-265. (SCI三区)

[19]蔡星娟,胡钊鸣,王茜,张志霞,崔志华,张文生.基于高维多目标优化的多无人机协同航迹规划,中国科学:信息科学, 2020,51(6):985-996. (CCF中文A)

[20]崔志华,张茂清,常宇,张江江,王晖,张文生.基于平均距离聚类的NSGA-II.自动化学报, 2019,DOI10.16383/j.aas.c180540 (CCF中文A)

[21]Zhihua Cui, Xianghua Xu, Fei Xue, Xingjuan Cai, Yang Cao, Wensheng Zhang, Jinjun Chen, Personalized Recommendation System based on Collaborative Filtering for IoT Scenarios, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2020, 13(4):685-695. (SCI二区、ESI高被引论文)

[22]Zhihua Cui, Fei Xue, Shiqiang Zhang, Xingjuan Cai, Yang Cao, Wensheng Zhang, Jinjun Chen, A Hybrid BlockChain-Based Identity Authentication Scheme for Multi-WSN, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2020, 13(2): 241-251. (SCI二区、ESI高被引论文)

[23][11]Zhihua Cui, Maoqing Zhang, Hui Wang, Xingjuan Cai, WenshengZhang, Jinjun Chen, Hybrid Many-Objective Cuckoo Search Algorithm with Lévy and Exponential Distributions, Memetic Computing, 2020, 20(3): 251 - 265. (SCI三区)

[24]Zhihua Cui, Jiangjiang Zhang, Di Wu, Xingjuan Cai, Hui Wang, Wensheng Zhang, Jinjun Chen, Hybrid Many-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Green Coal Production Problem, Information Sciences, 2020, 518256-271. (SCI二区、CCF B类、ESI高被引论文)

[25]Xingjuan Cai, Penghong Wang, Lei Du,Zhihua Cui, Wensheng Zhang and Jinjun ChenMulti-Objective Three-Dimensional DV-Hop Localization Algorithm With NSGA-II, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019,19(21): 10003-10015. (SCI三区、ESI高被引论文)

[26]Zhihua Cui, Maoqing Zhang, Hui Wang, Xingjuan Cai and Wensheng Zhang, A hybrid many-objective cuckoo search algorithm, Soft Computing, 2019, 23(21):10681–10697.SCI三区、CCFC类)

[27]Zhihua Cui, Yu Chang, Jiangjiang Zhang, XingjuanCai and WenshengZhang, Improved NSGA-III with selection-and-elimination operator, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2019, 49:23-33. (中科院1区、ESI高被引论文)

[28]Zhihua Cui, Lei Du, Penghong Wang, Xingjuan Cai and Wensheng Zhang. Malicious code detection based on CNNs and multi-objective algorithm. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 2019, 129: 50-58. (CCF B类、ESI高被引论文)

[29]Zhihua Cui, Yang Cao, Xingjuan Cai, Jianghui Cai and Jinjun Chen, Optimal LEACH protocol with modified bat algorithm for big data sensing systems in Internet of Things, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2019, 132: 217-229. (SCI四区、CCFB类、ESI高被引论文)

[30]Zhihua Cui, Jiangjiang Zhang, Yechuang Wang, Yang Cao, Xingjuan Cai, Wensheng Zhang, Jinjun Chen, A pigeon-inspired optimization algorithm for many-objective optimization problems, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2019, 62(7):070212.(CCF B)

[31]Zhihua Cui, Feixiang Li, Wensheng Zhang, Bat algorithm with principal component analysis, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2019, 10(3): 603-622. (SCI二区、ESI高被引论文)

[32]Zhihua Cui, Fei Xue, Xingjuan Cai, Yang Cao, Gaige Wang and Jinjun Chen, Detectin of malicious code variants based on deep learning, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2018, 14(7): 3187-3196. (中科院1区、ESI高被引论文)

[33]Maoqing Zhang, Hui Wang,Zhihua Cui and Jinjun Chen, Hybrid multi-obective cuckoo search with dynamical local search, Memetic Computing, 2018,10(2):199-208. (ESI高被引论文)


[35]Zhihua Cui, Bin Sun, Gaige Wang, Yu Xue, Jinjun Chen, A novel oriented cuckoo search algorithm to improve DV-Hop performance for cyber-physical systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2017, 103:42-52. (CCF推荐B类期刊, ESI高被引论文)